• London, United Kingdom

XVI . The darkness

As Yllen started to fly and watch Oebama, who was still inside our bubble, I saw how strong she was and how ready my buddies were to sacrifice themselves for our freedom. The city leaders began to follow Yllen, and humans started riding dragons and phoenixes. The children called to the battle were fast and invisible, much like the Elfs. Everyone was ready.

Those who repented also had powers and were willing to fight Oebama and his followers.

Yllen looked at us all and asked, ‘Are you ready?’ Everyone unanimously answered, ‘Ready!’

With a confident smile, Oebama vanished from the bubble. From above, I see Ochul and Divad smiling with assurance. We were in the middle of a fight that we and our ancestors had long been expecting.

When Yllen comes out from the bubble, her supporters watch and follow; Oebama was nowhere to be seen; he disappeared again.

Yllen moves her sword, and the bubble vanishes; we were all prepared, and the followers begin to attack us; we all used everything we had to defend ourselves. Oebama’s world was different; there was no light; the artificial light that Oebama created had vanished, as had all of the scenery that he had set up for his followers. 

The darkness in Oebama’s world became more pronounced, the children’s eyes were bright, and the fire of our dragons and golden armor practically illuminated Oebama’s world.

Alusru had a weapon that Yllen had given him; it was the little bag with white stones that Yllen always carried, and Eoj and Nivlek came straight at me to attack. With incredible strength, Alusru starts throwing the stones in protection, and the stones start to transform into huge golden nets that cover Eoj and Nivlek. Both of them fall to the ground when the nets start to burn them. It’s weird, but Eoj and Nivlek both vanish into the ground.

Yllen was battling with a large number of Oebama’s followers; next to Yllen was Nathe, who was gigantic and powerful; he wouldn’t let anyone touch Yllen, and Yllen wouldn’t let anyone touch Nathe or any of us; when we were attacked, Yllen always arrived; she was so powerful that she could be everywhere at once. She had a lot of power.

My sister Xiorc was fighting alongside Zil against those creatures who had recently become eternal followers of Oebama. Xiorc appeared stronger and more powerful; she was special; she was my sister.

Everything was written; however, everything appeared unclear because Oebama was not present. The sky suddenly parted, and more Oebama supporters began to arrive. At the same time, a pathway from the skies brought more members of our community as a whole; the universe was aware of the battle, and everyone continued to fight.

The battle was escalating; I observed many of my friends being attacked and harmed, and Oebama was still hiding. That was Oebama, a coward who sent everyone and fooled them all, but Oebama was nothing but evil, suffering, and lies. Oebama’s only desire was to be worshiped by everyone, including Yllen.

The tears and suffering of many were Oebama’s fault; he worked tirelessly so that you would think that everything was Yllen’s fault, that those tragedies that he himself caused in people’s lives were not circumstances or tests, but Yllen. Oebama was so evil that he could kill people and make people believe that they were challenges that came from Yllen to hurt you or punish you for some mistake you had made. Oebama was just pure evil.

Many of Obama’s supporters despised Yllen because they had lost someone they cared about or had a dream that had not been achieved. Oebama was good at manipulating your beliefs when you were in suffering. Those followers were willing to die for him because they hated Yllen. It was terrible; those creatures’ suffering was terrible. They could have been free and at peace, but Oebama’s lies remained with them.

The followers didn’t care about the deformation; the intensity of power that Oebama made them feel was so perfect that they forgot all sensitivity. They felt guilty for what they had lived; they felt that they deserved that deformation. It was sad.

Alusru and I were prepared for everything; I could feel Alusru’s bravery. We were connected; the followers came and came; they didn’t stop; there were so many; there were too many.

When Oebama emerged from the ground, he appeared a lot more certain of what would occur. He arrived at light speed, and I saw in slow motion that as he pulled out his sword to attack Alusru, one of the Erfs imposed at Oebama, running around him and passing through his body. Oebama desperately attempts to capture him, but he is unable to do so. Alusru and I went down together, and we began to help those on the ground.

Yllen throws a white stone at everyone around her and walks straight to Oebama, who stares at her with a mocking smile and says, ‘You won’t be able to survive long here in my world!’ Yllen shouts and declares, ‘This is not your world!’ and they began fighting; we were all engaged in combat as the darkness grew darker.

Nathe was with those older followers, with greater strength; it was impossible for him to help Yllen or us. Things got more and more intense, more violent, and sadder as I saw some of my friends losing their lives.

Yzarc and Rama were fighting alongside the humans of Modgnik. Their abilities got stronger, and the children rode on them. No one could stop Xiorc from using her immense powers. She was protecting me and attacking everybody who stood in her way.

The conflict between Oebama and Yllen was hard, but when they reached the skies, everyone stopped fighting, the skies opened up, and space was near us. Oebama used his powers as Yllen used hers. But Oebama utilised his powers to attack us while we were fighting Yllen in order to distract her.

Oebama struck everyone of us with thunder. Oebama was aware of Yllen’s love for us. However, Oebama refused to acknowledge that Yllen was God, and she wished for a world free from pain, fear, and tears. Oebama always assumed that Yllen simply desired glory for herself.

Oebama was wrong.

While they both continued to fight, the world became darker and darker, yet the golden armor continued to give light, including those on the ground.

One of Oebama’s servants appeared terrified; Oebama fired a lightning bolt to make him disappear. Oebama was just interested in himself. When Yllen stopped the lightning bolt, Oebama laughed at her and exclaimed, “Don’t you dare!” I have you in my world. Yllen repeated, “It’s not your world; nothing is yours.”. And she grabbed a knife from under her golden shield and threw it at Oebama, who caught Oebama and mocked Yllen. What a pathetic fool! You still don’t understand that I am your god, that I am in charge, and that you are nothing!

At that moment Yllen went towards him at a speed never seen before, and Yllen placed her shield against Oebama, taking him down; the force and speed were different. Oebama couldn’t defend himself; there was resistance, but Yllen took him against the earth, breaking the ground and causing an earthquake that opened a hole in the ground. The hole was sucking some of Oebama’s followers, but Yllen was taking Oebama to the depths of the earth, where they met the depths of the waters, and nothing was dark there; the light was intense, the fire of the deep earth was intense; it was strange, the water and the fire together, but that was Yllen; her powers were limitless.

Yllen had prepared a space for Oebama, who appeared less powerful and small than Yllen. While Oebama’s followers ran away, we followed the path that Yllen had made. Oebama was smiling; he was too arrogant to be challenged.

The aquatic creatures were watching, and there was a tunnel where Yllen took Oebama, and then his disfigured followers appeared. Nathe led them there, and the marine creatures surrounded Yllen. There was a golden cage and a cave filled with gold. The marine species grabbed Oebama, Nathe pulled out his sword, and we were all there when Oebama suddenly gave Yllen a forceful push, but Yllen was stronger. Using every power we had, we began an attack on Oebama. 

It was there that Yllen took her sword with great might, and a great light emanated from it, entering Oebama’s chest. At that point, Oebama viewed his followers and us with horror; he was weakening and getting more powerless; his body was unable to resist everyone’s powers. We were one; we were all together.

We were attacking the most despicable being, the being who broke families, did not allow anyone to be happy, was full of lies, abused everyone, manipulated, hurt anyone who got in his way, and sought his own benefit. At the end of the day, Oebama had only followers; no friends, family, or anyone. Oebama was by himself.