VIII Colours bring hope
Yllen felt tired from the beach incident. It was an exhausting and unexpected day.
Seeing those powers in Ylliw and meeting him confirmed to me that I’m not alone in this calling.
Many times, in my childhood, I thought that I was nobody, just a dragon that today does not have an eye. And that I would be surrounded by friends but without any purpose in this beautiful world.
While Yllen was eating and singing, there was a moment when I went into a trance, and Alusru came into my thoughts. Then I awoke, and nostalgia hit. Yllen came running and hugged me, spoke in our dragon languages, and said, “Patience.”
I took Yllen to her bedroom; it was time to sleep. As I said goodbye, Yllen looked at me and showed that blue lightning bolt, and she introduced herself like she did the first time she did. She was dressed in gold, with marks on her hands and legs. That impenetrable presence that I couldn’t resist.
When Yllen touched my face, everything returned to normal, and I could remain in her presence.
And at that moment, Yllen introduced me to a different world beyond my comprehension. But that world was completely different. It was filled with natural beauty—lovely lakes, crystal roads, and golden homes. The colours were breathtaking.
Every time I walked with Yllen, the colours around us—the trees, flowers, and sky—gradually changed. Also, the animals approached her, and she petted them. I could see Yllen as so big but, at the same time, so small. Her face was the same one I saw every day.
In that world that Yllen was revealing to me, the beautiful creatures that once existed on earth were there.
The lakes had eight colours and every time she walked, everything brought me peace and hope. I wanted to stay there forever. Yllen looked at me and said, “Not yet.”
I asked permission to fly, and Yllen laughed. Why are you asking me permission? Silly dragon! Come on!
Higher Iznil! Higher! And we flew together, with the difference that Yllen didn’t need me; she could fly.
This world was beautiful; the colours were healing something in me. Those memories were when I was attacked and lost my eye. The loss of my parents and the loss of my friend Alusru. I wanted to stay there and forget about Oebama.
Yllen started playing with me. Tap, tap, tap! She was fast, and everything was perfect.
When we stopped and went near a beautiful waterfall, Yllen picked up a pink blossom with red lines, and the blossom seemed to come to life. Yllen placed the flower in my missing eye, and she told me:
Iznil, you are valuable; you always were. I always knew you; I witnessed your thoughts and feelings. You are strong and special, and no one can stop you. There is nothing and no one that can take away your calling.
For centuries, you have lived in darkness, thinking that nothing was worth it. You lost your eye, and everything came to an end for you. You were stuck and lost in the middle of so much beauty. But don’t wait any longer; this is not the time to waste. It’s time to walk again and believe. You are unique, you are yourself, and you will always be Iznil, the dragon that saved Yllen when she was a girl.
When my tears fell, I could feel them coming from both eyes; I no longer saw just with one eye. I could see with both eyes. I looked at the reflection of the lake, and it had both my eyes. I smiled, picked up Yllen, and threw her into the sky. Yllen laughed. And we both flew at light speed.
We entered a different galaxy, not like the one I knew. It was a galaxy with different colours, and different planets and stars. I could communicate with the stars; everything had life.
Yllen told me that everything has a life. For some beings, it is just absent.
I felt so much power—power I had forgotten I had. I was and am a dragon, a dragon chosen to preserve my homeland.
When we came back to that new world, the animals and nature were having a party; they were jumping and embracing Yllen. It was surprising to see so much beauty.
Looking at the falls, I saw Yllen; we smiled and started walking in the waters. I was always aware that I had interactions with nature, but I had forgotten that I could walk on water. Yllen was not only the savior of the world. She was mine, too.
Suddenly, I woke up, and Yllen was asleep. I left the bedroom and went to my book room. I picked up my favorite book when I was little, ‘Cats and Their 7 Lives’.
I opened it, and a light came out, and I found a small piece of paper that said, “You are valuable”, and it was signed by my mother.
All of a sudden, I went back to my childhood, and there I saw my mother playing with me and teaching me how to throw fire. She was so beautiful; I saw ourselves walking towards the dragon meetings, and there was my father waiting for us. It seemed as though everything was happening right then and there.
I closed the book, and I fell asleep on my favorite couch. The sofa that belongs to my parents.
The next morning, Yllen woke me up with a feather in my nose. I started sneezing, and she laughed.
When I walked past a mirrior after leaving my study, I had forgotten that I had both of my eyes!
Oh! I can see with two eyes, Yllen! When I went to the kitchen, Yzarc and Rama were there; they both smiled and hugged me. Yllen jumped on me, as usual, and asked me to fly far, far away! Come on, come on, come on!
The four of us went to the galaxies, and this time I was with my friends and Yllen!
Higher! Higher! Yllen screamed, and Yzarc and Rama screamed and asked Yllen. How high, Yellen?
We all laughed and greeted our celestial friends as we flew high and high.
I was so happy; I just wanted it to stay like this, with Yllen and my friends, in pure happiness.
Everything was beautiful; everything was perfect.